Blogs and Resources


Leadership & Management Kate Jennings Leadership & Management Kate Jennings

Six Essential Steps for Mastering Delegation & Avoiding the ‘Kittens’! 

How many of us think ‘If you want a job done properly, do it yourself’? It’s very common! If we do it, we do it well, and quickly. We take on other people’s jobs, at the expense of our own, leading to long hours and frustration. In this blog we’ll look at how to delegate in a way that benefits you and your team member, and how to avoid taking on other people’s tasks!

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Leadership & Management Kate Jennings Leadership & Management Kate Jennings

How Do We Build Wellbeing and Resilience and Why Does It Matter To Organisations?

Investing in mental health is not just ethical; it's economical. Tackling issues like presenteeism, where employees work while unwell, not only improves well-being but also boosts productivity and innovation. By addressing mental health proactively, businesses can create happier, more efficient workplaces and see significant financial returns.

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