Maximise your team’s performance using Strengths Finder®

Unlock the Hidden Strengths of Your Team

Imagine your team’s performance if every member understood their unique strengths and talents and how to harness them for maximum impact. Imagine if you could improve engagement, retention and performance from a team programme. That’s possible with Strengths Finder®.

Strengths Finder® provides valuable insights into individual strengths, leading to better communication, collaboration, and team culture. By focusing on strengths, rather than just fixing weaknesses, team members align their work with their natural abilities, resulting in increased engagement, motivation, and productivity. At Kate Jennings Coaching we build custom programmes to help lock the unique strengths in your business (both individually and as a team).

What is Strengths Finder?

Strengths Finder® helps people unlock their natural talents and do what they do best. Based on the CliftonStrengths Strength Finder tool developed by Don Clifton, now popularised by Gallup – the CliftonStrengths Finder helps to identify the top strengths of your team members from a list of 34 unique strengths grouped into four domains: Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building and Strategic Thinking.

Understanding the strengths of your team is the first step to unlocking great performance.

Gallup CliftonStrengths StrengthsFinder 34 Strengths Chart

StrengthsFinder unlocks the potential in your team

CliftonStrengths Finder® helps identify a team’s personality, motivations, values and behaviours. It enables team members to understand their natural talents and how they can excel in various areas of their projects and goals. As a team leader, by understanding where your team’s strengths are focused you’re better able to maximise their potential - individually and collectively.

Read how we used Strengths Finder® to step-change the leadership skills and employee retention rate for a global company.

Gallup StrengthsFinder CliftonStrengths Domains

Organisational Benefits of Strengths Finder

Strengths Finder® allows teams to identify and unlock their strengths at work every day. It leads to better goal setting, stronger team cohesion, improved leadership effectiveness and ultimately team performance. With our coaching, we can help your teams unlock their unique strengths.

The green box provides some examples of what to expect from a Team Strengths Finder session >

Organisations report the following uplift from using Strengths Finder with employees:

  • Organisations benefit from an increase in employee engagement of up to 23% - this leads to better employee retention & loyalty and lower absenteeism.

  • Employees perform better following StrengthsFinder training - feeling more capable and confident in their roles. The team performance rises as a result.

  • Organisations benefit from a significant reduction in employee churn. Employees feel like they have more control over their working lives and this positively impacts all aspects of their performance.

We design a team session to unlock the strengths in your team. Here’s what they can achieve:

  • Discover and unlock their unique strengths for maximum impact

  • Recognise how individual and team strengths impact goal achievement and team culture

  • Harness the power of partnerships by using diverse strengths within the team

  • Identify the value of their team strengths for the organisation and stakeholder relationships

  • Understand and manage potential 'shadow-sides' and gaps in team strengths

  • Increase psychological safety across the team, fostering an environment of trust and collaboration

  • Use strengths-based language to address differences and foster cognitive diversity

  • Create a targeted action plan to utilise strengths for achieving goals, seize opportunities, and overcome challenges.

Employee Benefits of CliftonStrengths

Using the Clifton Strengths Finder method within your team can provide employee benefits across a range of factors, including engagement and productivity.

Most organisations using StrengthsFinder find their employees to be:

  • Employees report being more engaged at work as they feel they are working to their skill level and on projects that fit their natural abilities.

  • Employees productivity increases after using StrengthsFinder as they are more comfortable with their place within their team and the wider organisation

  • Employees gravitate towards projects suited to their natural strengths and this makes them more productive and engaged in the work they are involved in.

  • Employees feel less stressed by work as their projects are more focussed towards harnessing their skills and in areas they have a natural ability in and affinity for.

In a one-on-one coaching session with me, your team members will gain actionable insights to:

  • Harness the power of their top five strengths and understand how they work together (the 'smoothie' effect)

  • Recognise how they currently use their strengths in their roles

  • Capitalise on their strengths to achieve excellence at work

  • Discover the link between their strengths and what motivates and energises them at work (and what they can do about any misfit!)

  • Identify potential pitfalls of misuse or overuse of their strengths and behaviours and develop ways of managing these

What are common results from using Clifton Strengths Finder® with teams?

  • Teams report an improvement in team dynamics and enhanced team performance in general

  • StrengthsFinder can make team members comfortable in their role within the team is and enables them to perform that role with greater confidence

  • Understanding your team’s individual strengths enables employers to address conflict and disagreements in a constructive way.

  • Knowing your team’s individual and group strengths allows organisations to properly harness the diverse skills and personalities within the team, and increase innovation and creativity

  • Team members who feel as if their innate skills and desires are being met within their job improves their level of job and life satisfaction

  • Understanding your team strengths can boot the effectiveness of your ability to manage the expectations and performance of your team

What do clients say?

“Managers and staff have also commented that the skills and knowledge gained from your Strengths Finder coaching has enabled them to get the best out of people, improved their leadership skills and transformed their understanding of Emotional Intelligence and interactions with colleagues.”

Maggie Brown, Head of HR, Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (formerly part of Cambridge University)

“Since our Strengths Finder® work with you, team performance has noticeably improved, and our employee engagement scores have increased considerably.”

Vicky Garfitt, Head of Data Activation, Kingfisher PLC

Join the growing number of organisations using Strengths Finder® to elevate performance. Contact Kate Jennings Coaching for an informal conversation about your requirements.

What are the some Frequently Asked Questions about StrengthsFinder?

What is the Clifton / Gallup Strengths Finder®?

Strengths Finder® is an online psychometric tool used by millions of people globally to identify their natural talents and what they do best. Through a series of online questions, the Clifton Strengths Finder® identifies the top strengths of your team members from a list of 34 unique strengths grouped into four domains: - Executing - Influencing - Relationship Building - Strategic Thinking. Originally developed by Gallup and is now known as StrengthsFinder or Clifton Strengths.

What’s the benefit of understanding my strengths?

People who know and use their strengths are: - 6x as likely to be engaged at work - Neary 8% more productive in their role - 3x as likely to have an excellent quality of life - 6x as likely to do what they do best every day

How can I find out my top five strengths?

You can discover your top five strengths by taking the online Clifton Strengths Finder® assessment. The report will show how your dominant talents help you excel. By understanding and refining these talents, you can find ways to play to your strengths each day at work and at home.

What do I do with my results?

After you’ve completed the assessment you’ll receive access to two reports. The best place to start is with the Signature Themes report. You may also like to talk through your results with a Strengths Finder coach in a 1:1 confidential call. This enables you understand how your top five strengths work together, and how you can harness them further in your professional and/or personal life.

What is a talent?

Clifton StrengthsFinder defines talent as a naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling or behaviour that can be productively applied.

What is a strength?

In CliftonStrengths, a strength is the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance in a specific activity. Building a strength involves pinpointing your dominant talents, usually present in your top five themes. Strengthen these by acquiring knowledge and skills relevant to the specific activity. You’ll find you use some strengths more in some situations, and other strengths more in others.

What about weaknesses?

A weakness is a deficiency or misapplication of talent, skill, or knowledge that creates challenges for you or others. It is also anything that gets in the way of us doing our job well. In a strengths-based approach, the emphasis is on cultivating strengths and finding strategies to address weaknesses rather than overlooking them. Managing weaknesses is key to averting failure, while building strengths paves the way to success.

Are strengths always positive?

Many strengths have what we call ‘shadow-sides’ – how the strength shows up under pressure. Strengths are a bit like coffee, the right amount is great, too much isn’t. Under pressure, many of us overplay our strengths. We lean right into them which can cause difficulties for us and / or others. Self-awareness is key to understanding how we might overplay our strengths, so that we keep strengths as strengths. This is often discussed during the 1:1 coaching call or to find out more information please contact us.

How likely is it to have the same top 5 Signature Themes as someone else?

The chances of having the exact same top 5 Signature Themes in the exact order as someone else is 1 in 33.39 million. The chances of having the same top 5 Signature Themes as someone else, but in a different order, is approximately 1 in 340,000.

-Should I pursue a major or career based on my strengths?

Your top 5 Signature Themes won't dictate specific career paths for you. People with very different Clifton Strengths profiles can do the same job very well, in different ways. The key is understanding and harnessing your individual strength combination to the role. Just because you have the theme of "Analytical" doesn't mean you should pursue a career in maths or computer science. Use the assessment to help you discover how to apply your strengths to your role or career.

How can I use Strengths Finder with teams?

Strengths Finder is a very powerful tool to harness team strengths, enabling members to understand their own and others’