Interested In Leadership Coaching - Here’s What You Need To Know 

Wondering how to get started with executive or leadership coaching? It’s a partnership, so it’s important to begin the relationship on the right foot. Different coaches have different executive coaching approaches, here’s mine:   


🌟 Initial 'Chemistry' Session

It's crucial for you to feel comfortable with your coach. We’d discuss your objectives, my coaching style and how we could best work together. What would make you feel this is a good fit? 


📝 Contracting

Then we'll proceed to the contracting phase. It's where we get crystal clear on your goals, metrics for success, and logistics like confidentiality. So, what will success look like for you? And how do we measure it to ensure we're on the right track? This is flexible if circumstances and challenges change.  


🤝Three-way meetings 

If your organisation is sponsoring your executive coaching, you might be wondering how the confidentiality between us is protected, whilst your organisation remains involved. Three-way meetings with the coachee, an organisational sponsor, and the coach provide a structured way to align goals and review progress. Beyond these meetings, all conversations in coaching are confidential.


What do previous clients say?

For executive coach reviews see Client Feedback and / or the recommendations on my Linked In profile.


Curious to find out more?

More info about my approach is here, or do contact me for a free initial conversation.


Bridging Generational Gaps at work using  StrengthsFinder 


Increasing the Influence and Impact of your Team using StrengthsFinder*