Team Coaching

Elevate your team's performance by fostering essential traits of success: clear objectives, shared values, and high motivation to perform. Add the power of self-awareness and emotional intelligence, and your team can improve their relationships, enhance their behaviours, influence effectively and achieve their goals.

Kate Jennings Executive Coach

Working together we can maximise your team's performance and behaviours to:

  • Deliver business results

  • Develop and align strategy

  • Focus on HOW you work together, not just WHAT you’re working on

  • Improve behaviours and relationships

  • Handle conflict and candid conversations confidently

  • Understand and live team values

  • Drive positive change

  • Strengthen resilience

  • Model psychological safety and team effectiveness

How does it work?

We start by understanding your team's current situation, what's working, where the issues are and your future goals. Together we will craft a customised plan to help you achieve your objectives. From team events to individual coaching, my approach is tailored to your unique needs.

Team Connect 360®

Use the power of the licensed Team Connect 360® diagnostic tool to gain powerful insights into:

  • Your team dynamics and interpersonal relationships

  • Clarity of your team objectives and purpose

  • Relationships with your stakeholders

  • Wider challenges of the sector / context in which your team works

Other psychometric assessments are also available including Strengths Finder®, DISC, PPA and 360 Emotional Intelligence.

To discuss how to boost your team’s performance, please complete the form below:

Kate Jennings Executive Coach