Terms of Service

1. Quality of Service

At Kate Jennings Coaching we aim for the highest possible quality of service. Any instances where we fall short of this target should be brought to the attention of the Executive Director.

2. Confidentiality

It is the nature of Kate Jennings Coaching’s work that sensitive issues will be addressed so we take this issue particularly seriously. All staff are required to sign an undertaking to maintain absolute confidentiality with all client information.

3. Charges and Expenses

Fees quoted in Proposals, Scopes of Work and Confirmation Letters are valid for six months from the date of the document. Kate Jennings Coaching reserves the right to renegotiate fees after that period if the work has not begun. Fee rates are reviewed annually with any changes taking effect on 1 May. All fees quoted exclude VAT and direct expenses such as accommodation and travel. All invoices are due on presentation and are to be paid in Pounds Sterling. Payment is strictly 30 days net and any queries must be received within 14 from the date of invoice.

4. Cancellation

In the occurrence of an agreed event /diary entry (for example and not limited to coaching sessions, training courses, consultancy work) being cancelled / changed by the client, it is Kate Jennings Coaching’s policy to charge the full agreed fee for that event should cancellation occur 0-14 days of the agreed date and 50% of the fee should cancellation / change occur between 15 and 28 days before the event. Any costs incurred such as booked flights, any travel, accommodation, preparation, and materials will be invoiced to the client. In the event of any need to terminate the work of an entire project by the client, notice is required to be given in writing. Work completed to that date together with any planned work that falls into the above time scales will be invoiced. If our services are being received by someone other than yourself, please ensure that they are aware of this cancellation policy.

5. Intellectual Property

In the course of carrying out their work, our consultants will draw on a growing library of proprietary processes, materials, computer software, and intellectual models. These remain the property of Kate Jennings Coaching throughout the course of any work and thereafter, unless permission has been explicitly given, in writing, for the materials to be used and/or copied and/or translated.

6. Branding

If any reference is made in any publication to the work undertaken by Kate Jennings Coaching, then the client agrees to include branding in the publication, incorporating the Kate Jennings Coaching logo.