Leading Effectively Programme

Elevating leadership skills to the next level

The core challenge for every manager and leader is to leverage the abilities and enthusiasm of their team members toward the organisation's goals. Effective leadership is pivotal at all levels and plays a crucial role in ensuring the organisation or startup’s success.

The programme below covers the essential tools, behaviours and approaches of successful leaders and managers. Below is a ‘pick & mix’ range of topics available that can be completely tailored to suit the needs of your organisation and the experience of your leaders / managers. They can be delivered virtually, face to face or in a hybrid format.

Contact me to discuss your requirements.

Leadership & Management Essentials

  • Challenges & responsibilities of today’s leader / manager

  • Building culture, values and behaviours

  • Being an emotionally intelligent leader

  • Using action-centred leadership to manage the task, build the team and support the individual

  • Maintaining communication, collaboration, information parity and relationships across on-site, hybrid and remote teams

  • Building competence and confidence across your team

  • Developing a flexible leadership style

  • Delegating to develop, not dumping through despair

Increasing Performance and Engagement

  • Understanding the benefits of employee engagement on performance and retention

  • Using 12 practical ways to increase engagement in your team

  • Ensuring trust, inclusion and a sense of belonging across the team

  • Using short-term goals to motivate your team, increase ownership and monitor productivity

  • Holding effective 1:1s that are ‘check-ins’ rather than ‘checking-up’

  • Providing effective and performance-boosting feedback

Challenging Conversations & Managing Performance

  • Setting clear expectations and providing evidence-based feedback

  • Managing tricky attitudes and behaviours with a team and colleagues

  • Building confidence to address performance issues

  • Following your organisation’s performance management process

  • Using the amygdala hijack and neuroscience to understand why it is harder to think clearly under pressure

  • Tips to manage your communication under pressure

  • Preparing for your own performance management conversation

Promoting Wellbeing and Adaptability 

  • Understanding wellbeing challenges

  • Appreciating the business benefit of building wellbeing across your team

  • Spotting warning signs of poor wellbeing / mental health in individual team members

  • Feeling confident raising concerns with an employee about their wellbeing or mental health

  • Building adaptability and agility across the team

  • Managing thought patterns, perception and beliefs positively

  • Building your team’s sense of perspective and pragmatism

  • Increasing wellbeing across your team

Effective Meetings, Social Capital and Collaboration 

  • Ensuring clear purpose, structure, and roles during meetings

  • Achieving engagement and holding productive discussions during meetings (in-person, hybrid or virtual)

  • Collaborating, disagreeing and brainstorming during meetings – tools and techniques

  • Using synchronous and asynchronous working for effective decision making

  • Understanding the value and sources of social capital

  • Maximising your social capital inside and outside of your organisation

Communication and Coaching Skills

  • Communicating efficiently and effectively

  • Harnessing the power of great questions to enable the team to think more independently

  • ‘Managing the Kitten’ – using a range of skills to develop team members’ ability to make better decisions and use their initiative

  • Using the GROW model to coach and develop your team

  • Challenging effectively

  • Developing practical coaching skills session using the GROW model

Increasing Influencing and Impact

  • Using WIIFT to better impact your colleagues and stakeholders

  • Understanding what different people are motivated by

  • Using voice and body language techniques to increase your impact and authority

  • Understanding your preferred influencing style

  • Connecting better with stakeholders by flexing your influencing style 

  • Maximising the value of pre-meeting meetings and networking

Change Management

  • Using the change curve and other change models to understand the process of change

  • Identifying what is required of a leader during change

  • Understanding different people’s responses to change

  • Supporting your team and employees going through change

  • Avoiding common pitfalls and taking your team with you

  • Applying a range of change management models to your own change situation

Additional topics are also available.

Contact me for more information about how your leaders and managers can elevate their performance through training programmes.