Blogs and Resources


Coaching Kate Jennings Coaching Kate Jennings

Deepening Your Coaching Impact: Exploring the Power of Working in the Here and Now

Are you ready to elevate your coaching practice? Discover how “Working in the Here and Now” can transform your client sessions by fostering genuine insights and real-time growth. This approach goes beyond traditional methods, allowing you to engage deeply with your clients and uncover unspoken dynamics that shape their actions and emotions.

Join our 90-minute interactive workshop to explore practical techniques. Learn how to create richer, more impactful sessions that align with core coaching competencies and help your clients achieve meaningful change.

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Coaching Kate Jennings Coaching Kate Jennings

Use of Self in Coaching – What is it and why does it matter?

Discover how tapping into your own presence as a coach can reveal powerful insights for your clients. In this 90-minute session, you’ll learn practical techniques to use your awareness, intuition, and reactions to bring deeper self-understanding and transformation to each coaching interaction. Join us to elevate your practice.

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Strengths Finder Kate Jennings Strengths Finder Kate Jennings

Think Forward – Achieving Innovation and Strategic Growth through Thinking Strengths

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, the Thinking category of the Clifton StrengthsFinder framework plays a crucial role in driving innovation and strategic foresight. These Strengths (Strengths Finder – Clifton Strengths) are essential for those who excel in breaking down complex problems, devising innovative solutions, and setting a visionary course for the future.

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Strengths Finder Kate Jennings Strengths Finder Kate Jennings

Maximising Efficiency: The Power of using the Executing Strengthsin Your Team

In any organisation, the ability to turn ideas into reality is invaluable. That’s where the Executing strengths from the Clifton StrengthsFinder* framework (see below) play a critical role. Team members who possess these strengths (Strengths Finder – Clifton Strengths) are the engine of your team, driving projects from concept to completion with precision and efficiency.

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Strengths Finder Kate Jennings Strengths Finder Kate Jennings

Using Clifton Strengths Finder with Teams 

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, cultivating high-performing teams is vital. Among the many tools and methods available, CliftonStrengths—formerly known as Gallup StrengthsFinder—is effective, fun and affordable.

This comprehensive guide delves into the profound impact of CliftonStrengths on team dynamics, exploring how it can be used, unveiling common strengths, understanding its insights, assessing team dynamics, and addressing accessibility.

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Kate Jennings Kate Jennings

Increasing Diversity and Inclusion using Clifton Strengths Finder 

We all face the same internal struggle -- the desire both to fit in and to stand out. We want to be accepted and included by others while still being understood and valued as a unique person. Social psychology teaches us that this phenomenon is normal -- it's just the human condition.

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Leadership & Management Kate Jennings Leadership & Management Kate Jennings

Six Essential Steps for Mastering Delegation & Avoiding the ‘Kittens’! 

How many of us think ‘If you want a job done properly, do it yourself’? It’s very common! If we do it, we do it well, and quickly. We take on other people’s jobs, at the expense of our own, leading to long hours and frustration. In this blog we’ll look at how to delegate in a way that benefits you and your team member, and how to avoid taking on other people’s tasks!

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Strengths Finder Kate Jennings Strengths Finder Kate Jennings

Dealing With Uncertainty and Change at work – how StrengthsFinder can help 

Change is all around us. With more people working remotely and uncertain economic times, organisations are facing new challenges. Are your employees ready?

Chances are, they're not. Research shows that most employees don't feel excited about the future at work. Companies want their staff to be able to adapt to changes, but many employees feel unprepared and stressed.

One solution? Using employees' strengths to help them handle change.

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Leadership & Management Kate Jennings Leadership & Management Kate Jennings

How Do We Build Wellbeing and Resilience and Why Does It Matter To Organisations?

Investing in mental health is not just ethical; it's economical. Tackling issues like presenteeism, where employees work while unwell, not only improves well-being but also boosts productivity and innovation. By addressing mental health proactively, businesses can create happier, more efficient workplaces and see significant financial returns.

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Strengths Finder Kate Jennings Strengths Finder Kate Jennings

Increasing the Influence and Impact of your Team using StrengthsFinder*

The success of many teams hinges on their capacity to sway a broader audience, including colleagues, clients and wider stakeholders. While some find this task effortless, it proves challenging for many. Clifton Strengths* can be an effective tool for understanding how we each influence effectively, and how we can leverage these strengths across a team.

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