Increasing the Influence and Impact of your Team using StrengthsFinder*

The success of many teams hinges on their capacity to sway a broader audience, including colleagues, clients and wider stakeholders. While some find this task effortless, it proves challenging for many. Clifton Strengths* can be an effective tool for understanding how we each influence effectively, and how we can leverage these strengths across a team. 

A coaching client explained, "In the initial five years of my career, technical skills determined my success. In the next five, it shifted to leadership skills. Now, it's all about mastering the art of influence.’ 

How can Clifton Strengths help a team increase its impact? 
Clifton Strengths* is a global online assessment that identifies people’s top five strengths. The 34 strengths span 4 categories: Impacting and Influencing; Executing; Thinking; Relationship Building. For more information see here

Let’s start by tapping into the StrengthsFinder category of 'Inflecting and Impacting.' Individuals with strengths like ‘Woo’ (Winning Others Over) effortlessly build rapport and create connections. Those with the strengths of ‘Communication’ articulate ideas persuasively, while those with the strengths of ‘Self-Assurance’ instil confidence that others eagerly follow. 

What about teams and individuals who don’t have a lot of ‘Influencing Strengths’? 
For the majority facing this challenge, a knowledge of Clifton Strengths can help us. The strengths of ‘Positivity’ becomes a potent influencer, injecting optimism and a 'can do' spirit. Those with the ‘Relator’ strength excel at building lasting connections, using their extensive networks for impactful collaborations. Even the quiet researcher armed with 'Input' can sway clients through in-depth knowledge and research. 

Introverts and Impact: A Powerful Duo  
Even the naturally introverted, like many scientists, researchers, and academics, can be persuasive. Analytical minds in a global pharmaceutical pricing team showcased their superpower – knowledge. They influenced colleagues with clear recommendations backed by solid reasoning. 

Understanding and Adapting: The Art of Influence  
Key to mastering influence is understanding what motivates others. Analytical minds favour facts, while storytelling enthusiasts resonate with colour, feeling and passion. Some thrive on relationships, trusting those they work with. Harnessing your team's diversity allows you to connect with different stakeholders effectively.  In addition, understanding our natural influencing style, and how to flex it, can be learned and is often easier than we think.   

Interested in learning more? 
If you’re interested in finding out more about how to increase your team’s impact and influence do contact me for an informal chat. 

Kate Jennings  

 *Clifton Strengths is also known as StrengthsFinder and is owned by the Gallup Foundation. 


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