Leadership Coaching or Leadership Development Training – which is better?

You've pinpointed a need for development or training within your team or organisation. Given the constraints of limited budgets and the keen interest of many colleagues to grow, it's crucial to make an informed choice. Should you invest in Leadership Coaching or Leadership Training to reap the most benefits? 

🔍 How Do They Serve You Differently? 

First, let's quickly differentiate the two: 

- Training is structured, with a programme tailored to the group, cost-effective for larger numbers. 

- Coaching is personalised, focussed on individual goals, and flexible. 

📊 When Is Leadership Development Training the Right Call? 

Opt for training when: 

- You have a group of leaders who’d benefit from developing similar skills and behaviours together 

- Budgets are limited and you are looking to develop a larger group 

- You would like to build a network of leaders in your organisation who can get to know each other better and provide ongoing mutual support 

📚 When Does Leadership Coaching Make Sense? 

Leadership coaching is often the better option when:  

  • Deeper Insight is Required: Are you looking for answers to deeper questions about your leadership style, to increase self-awareness and effectiveness? 

  • The challenges are personal: Are you dealing with challenges that are specific to you, such as improving emotional intelligence, influencing more effectively or decision-making?  

  • You’re looking for an accountability partner for your development - your coach can be this person 

🔄 So, Coaching or Training? 

There's a time and place for both leadership coaching and leadership development training. The choice ultimately hinges on your objectives, specific needs and constraints. I do both, and love both. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss putting together a programme. 

Kate Jennings

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