Why Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Is Crucial for Success in a New Role 

Have you ever stepped into a new role only to be haunted by that nagging feeling that you're not good enough? That you're a fraud just waiting to be found out? If you're nodding your head, you're far from alone. This unsettling feeling is known as "Imposter Syndrome, and is experienced by up to 70% of people.  It is also a very common theme that people discuss in coaching. 

How to Combat Imposter Syndrome 

🔵 Acknowledge the Feeling 
First, realise that feeling like an imposter is a shared experience. Many high-achievers have been in your shoes. Recognising and acknowledging the syndrome disarms its power over you. When is it at its worst? How can you reduce this? 

🔵 Speak About It 
Don't suffer in silence. Who do you trust that you can be honest with? Often, speaking about your feelings normalises them and breaks down the myth that you're alone in this struggle. 

🔵 Secure Quick Wins 
What are some quick wins you can identify? The sense of accomplishment from realising targets will create a positive feedback loop. 

🔵 Separate Fact from Feeling 
You were offered the role because you’re very capable and competent! You may even want to discuss with the hiring manager what it was about you which appealed to them in the recruitment process - this could be the key to building your personal brand in your new organisation. What successes and contributions can you remind yourself of when self-doubt creeps in?  

🔵 Self-Compassion 
If a colleague made a mistake, or were doubting themselves, how would you respond? How can you show yourself the same empathy and understanding you'd offer to others? 

Next Steps 
  • What benefits will there be for you and your team as you reduce Imposter Syndrome? 

  • What are your first steps towards this? 

If you’d like to find out how more leadership coaching can help overcome imposter syndrome do get in touch.

Kate Jennings


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