Managing Conflict in Teams using Clifton Strengths Finder 

Esther Perel, a global relationship expert, wrote the bestseller, 'From Conflict to Connection.' Inspired by this, we propose a team-focused equivalent: 'From Conflict to Collaboration.' Have you faced challenges in teams where mistrust, lack of understanding, and poor emotional intelligence hinder performance? Addressing these issues can be daunting, perpetuating the problem. Clifton Strengths* offers a language to understand and articulate differences, enhancing relationships and ultimately boosting team effectiveness. 


Unpacking Cognitive Diversity in Teams 

Diversity within a team extends beyond visible differences. 'Cognitive diversity' encompasses the various ways team members think. Some prefer the big picture, while others delve into details. Some like time to reflect on a decision being made, carefully weighing up the options, others want to jump right in, preferring to learn and change direction as they go. We can’t see what’s going on between someone’s ears yet recognising and appreciating these differences is crucial, as cognitively diverse teams consistently make better decisions. Failure to understand and appreciate these differences can breed frustration, misunderstandings, and conflicts. 

*Clifton Strengths and Strengths Finder are the same name for the model originally developed by Gallup. 


Optimising Team Dynamics with StrengthsFinder 


StrengthsFinder provides a language to express both similarities and differences among team members. Let’s take the example of Johannes and Mandy: Johannes, with the 'Activator' strength, thrives on quick action, injecting pace into the team. On the flipside the Activator strength is very impatient! On the other hand, Mandy, with 'Deliberative,' deliberates decisions, ensuring thorough consideration. Again, the flipside is that she may take longer than others agreeing on a decision. Both strengths bring value, yet their differences can lead to frustration. 


Reducing Conflict through Strengths Language 

Understanding their Clifton Strengths, Johannes might say, "My Activator strength is eager to start; Mandy, what are your thoughts?" Mandy could respond, "My Deliberative strength needs assurance we've considered all information. Let's decide on Thursday after two days of evaluation." This use of strengths language fosters mutual understanding and reduces potential conflicts. It depersonalises the differences. Johannes has a timeframe, Mandy has the time she needs. 


Reflection for Your Team 

Do these dynamics resonate with your team? Are there talented individuals struggling to collaborate effectively? If you'd like to explore these challenges further, and how using StrengthsFinder can help please do contact me. 

For more information about Clifton Strengths please see here. 


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