Understanding the CliftonStrength of:


The StrengthsFinder Strategic describes individuals who create alternative ways to proceed. Faced with any given scenario, they can quickly spot the relevant patterns and issues.


People with the Strategic (CliftonStrengths • StrengthsFinder) talent create multiple ways forward. They quickly recognize relevant patterns and issues when confronted with a scenario, identifying viable solutions from the outset. This talent allows them to navigate challenges effectively and find new paths.

Strength summary

Strategic individuals bring creativity and innovation to their projects, always searching for and implementing alternative ways to proceed. They approach tasks with determination, finding the most efficient and effective way forward. Their strategic mindset facilitates smooth execution, minimising obstacles and maximising output, allowing them to achieve their goals quickly.

How you see the world

Those with the strengthfinder theme of Strategic instinctively compare options to find the best solution. They see the world as full of interconnected possibilities, constantly seeking the path that balances efficiency with effectiveness. This perspective leads them to view progress as a series of options, where the goal is to choose the one that makes the most sense.

What those who are Strategic are known for

Those naturally Strategic (Clifton Strengths | Strengths Finder) are known for helping find the right way forward.They are creative, which helps individuals find innovative solutions quickly. This strength also allows for smooth navigation through problems, enabling individuals to see patterns and trends rapidly. Strategic individuals consistently seek shortcuts and streamlined paths, reducing complexity and making progress easier to achieve. The help those who can't see the 'woods from the trees'.

When faced with a range of options the person with Strategic will instinctively evaluate the pros and cons of options A, B and C and come to a decision. Others may require much more information about each option to make the same decision. This can frustrate the person with strategic.

Potential downsides

The Strategic talent can also bring challenges. What may seem obvious to the person with 'Strategic' is not obvious to others. So you may find yourself needing to explain things that seem obvious to you in more detail. You may also find it frustrating that others don't make decisions as quickly as you.

What frustrates you

Inefficiency and prolonged discussions frustrate Strategic individuals, particularly when they hinder progress. They can be aggravated when others stick to a rigid system, despite recognising a more efficient alternative. They prefer flexibility and quick action.

What’s important to you

Options and efficiency are essential, allowing for flexibility in reaching goals. Strategic individuals value people who keep pace, matching their speed and direction of progress, ensuring smooth advancement and cooperation. This alignment fosters effective teamwork and helps reach objectives quickly.

What you contribute

Strategic individuals contribute by identifying patterns within complexity, simplifying problems, and devising rapid solutions. They anticipate obstacles and brainstorm solutions, strengthening plans, particularly in unexpected situations. They also find efficient methods, boosting overall productivity for themselves and their team members. 

The genius of Strategic talents lies in evaluating multiple alternative paths and choosing the one that works best. This often involves working backward, visualizing the desired outcome, and generating ways to reach that goal, bringing clarity, efficiency, and direction to any endeavor.

Click on these links if you’d like to find out more about Clifton Strengths or completing the CliftonStrengths assessment.

Gallup®, StrengthsFinder®, CliftonStrengths® and each of the 34 CliftonStrengths themes are trademarks of Gallup, Inc.