Understanding the CliftonStrength of:


The StrengthsFinder Relator theme describes individuals who enjoy close relationships with others. They find deep satisfaction in working hard with close friends to achieve a goal. If you're someone who values close connections and genuine bonds, you may well have the strength of Relator.


Understanding the Characteristics of Relator

If you have the Relator (CilftonStrengths • StrengthsFinder) theme you'll excel at forming deep relationships and find joy in spending time with close friends. You gain energy from meaningful interactions and value trust and people being themselves. You are sociable and caring, effortlessly building connections with others, regardless of age or background. Many might describe you as a 'radiator', people who exude warmth.

Navigating Relationships

Those with the Relator strength (CliftonStrengths · Strengths Finder)  see relationships in layers, with a core group of loyal friends they trust and rely on. You are generous and supportive, making them valuable members of any community. If going to a party, you are more likely to prefer have in-depth conversations with 2-3 friends, rather than 'working the room'.

Potential Challenges

Because you excel at building relationships, you may struggle with cliques and those who have favourites. It's important for you to be inclusive and open-minded in their interactions with others. You show real commitment to friends so may feel more easily let down if others don't demonstrate that same level of commitment to them.

Frustrations They Experience

Those who take advantage of others and value results over well-being can frustrate them. The person with the Relator strength is generous with their time and support and they can find it hard when others are not. They thrive in collaborative and empathic environments.

What Relators Value

People with the Relator (CliftonStrengths · Strengths Finder) cherish strong, bonded teams and enjoy reaching goals together with close friends. They appreciate opportunities to share their thoughts and feelings with others in a supportive environment.

They really enjoy working with others to achieve a shared goal. They can also be a great 'glue' in a team, helping the team build supportive relationships. For more information about using Strengths Finder with your team see here.

Using This Strengths More

Relators (CliftonStrengths · Strengths Finder) excel at building solid, mutually rewarding relationships and fostering a sense of belonging. Your genuine care and empathy will draw people to you. This creates a tightly-knit network of friends who support one another.

Exploring Your Relator Strength with CliftonStrengths

If you want to delve deeper into your Relator strength, consider taking the CliftonStrengths assessment. This personalised report will reveal the hidden layers of your unique strengths and help you maximise your potential. Watch interviews with leaders from around the world who share their experiences with strengths-based development. If you lead a team, learn how to develop your unique talent and lead with strengths.


In a world where real connections matter, the Relator strength shines as a symbol of honesty and trust. By embracing this strength and making real connections, you can build a supportive network that brings happiness and support, inside and out of work.

Click on these links if you’d like to find out more about Clifton Strengths Finder or completing the CliftonStrengths assessment.