Understanding the CliftonStrength of:


The StrengthsFinder Learner theme describes individuals who have a great desire to learn and want to continuously improve. The process of learning, rather than the outcome, excites them.

Keyword: Curiosity

People with Learner talents (CliftonStrengths • StrengthsFinder) love learning new things and skills. They enjoy going from not knowing about something to feeling confident in it. They naturally seek out opportunities to develop new knowledge and abilities.

The idea of gaining competence excites them, whether it's through recitation, practice, or simply gaining confidence in their skills. Their talent for learning helps them identify how they learn best. They also enjoy teaching others as this is another opportunity to learn.

Your View of the World

You feel productive and fulfilled when you learn new things and acquire new skills. Learning brings fresh thoughts and feelings, making life more exciting. You also see change as an opportunity to learn.

Your Key Qualities

Individuals with the Learner talent have some important qualities that makes them stand out regarding learning and growing. First, they know a lot about many different things. This shows their curiosity and eagerness to learn. 

Secondly, they enjoy new things quickly. This helps them adapt fast to new situations and grab opportunities for growth. Lastly, they are naturally curious. They love exploring new ideas and experiences, which keeps their passion for learning alive.

Potential Challenges or ‘Shadow Sides’

Although Learners have many strengths, they also face some challenges. One challenge is focusing too much on learning and not enough on results. Sometimes, they get so caught up in learning new things that they forget what they need to achieve or deliver.

Another challenge is sticking too closely to rules and methods. This can limit their creativity and ability to find new solutions.

What Bothers You

Learners can feel frustrated in certain situations. For example, not having challenges can drain them. They thrive on learning and growth, so doing the same tasks over and over can be dull for them.

They can also find it frustrating to do work that doesn't give opportunity to learn anything new. They prefer jobs that offer chances to develop their skills and knowledge.

What You Need

To be at their best, Learners benefit from having some specific things. Firstly, they need opportunities to share what they've learned with others. This helps reinforce their own learning and helps others grow too.

Secondly, they need new challenges to keep them engaged and growing. These challenges should be interesting and varied.

They also need ways to track their progress, like setting goals and getting feedback. Lastly, Learners benefit from clear levels of achievement to aim for. Having clear goals helps them stay motivated and focused on their growth.

How You Contribute

Learners (CliftonStrengths - StrengthsFinder) bring a lot to their teams and workplaces. They adapt quickly to new environments, making them valuable in fast-paced settings. They're also not afraid to take on new challenges, which helps push their teams forward.

Additionally, they have a knack for understanding how people learn best. This enjoy teaching and means they can help others improve their learning and reach their goals faster.


The remarkable quality of Learner is you love learning and you also instinctively understand how you learn best.

Click on these links if you’d like to find out more about Clifton Strengths Finder or completing the CliftonStrengths assessment.