Understanding the CliftonStrength of:


People talented in the StrengthsFinder Individualization theme are intrigued with the unique qualities of each person. They have a gift for figuring out how different people can work together productively.


Individualisation is one of 34 strengths from Clifton Strengths / Gallup Strengths Finder. These words are used interchangeably.

Do you manage somebody with the Individualisation Strength? Find out how to maximise their contribution, both as an individual and as part of the team’s strengths.

Summary of This Strength

If you have the Individualisation strength in CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder), you can easily see the special qualities in everyone. You enjoy learning about each person’s story, how they think, what motivates them, and how they connect with others. This helps you put together effective teams because you know how to customise your approach for each person, allowing people to work together even if they are very different.

How You See the World

You believe that people are all different, and that’s what makes them special. Using the same approach for everyone doesn’t work. Customisation is important. You take pride in understanding what each person needs and adjusting your approach to fit them.

What This Strength is Known For

  • Appreciating what makes others different

  • Accepting people as they are

  • Being open-minded and understanding

  • Recognising the needs of others clearly

Potential Downsides (or ‘shadow’ sides)

Like any strength, Individualisation has its potential challenges. Some downsides could include:

  • Giving too many exceptions to individual requests, which may cause confusion or unfairness

  • Struggling to make decisions that meet everyone's needs at the same time, as it can be hard to balance everyone’s preferences

Chat to us to understand the ‘shadow’ sides of this strength and how to manage these at work and at home.

What Frustrates You

People with Individualisation often feel frustrated by:

  • Strict rules that do not allow for any flexibility

  • A one-size-fits-all approach that doesn’t work for everyone

  • People thinking that your custom approach is showing favouritism

What’s Important to You

  • Helping others achieve their own success in their unique way

  • Having enough information about clients to tailor your approach

  • Opportunities to change your methods to fit different people’s needs

What You Contribute

Your talent for recognising what makes each person special helps them feel valued and confident. You make people feel proud of their own unique skills and strengths. This helps build strong, trusting relationships, where people know they are appreciated for who they are.

The true power (CliftonStrengths • StrengthsFinder) Individualisation is your ability to see what make each person unique and adjust your approach to help them succeed.

Click on these links if you’d like to find out more about completing the CliftonStrengths assessment, Strengths Finder consultancy or Strengths Finder coaching.


CliftonStrengths® and Strengths Finder® are registered trademarks of Gallup, Inc.