Understanding the CliftonStrength of:


People talented in the Discipline StrengthsFinder theme enjoy routine and structure. Their world is best described by the order they create.


Discipline is one of 34 strengths from Clifton Strengths / Gallup Strengths Finder.

Do you manage somebody with the Discipline Strength? Find out how to maximise their contribution, both as an individual and as part of the team’s strengths.

Summary of This Strength

Individuals who possess the Discipline (CliftonStrengths • StrengthsFinder) talent enjoy order and routine. A summary could be ‘A place for everything, and everything in its place.’

Life can be messy. To navigate this, they have developed their own routines and structures. These provide a sense of control and boosts their confidence. This enables them to excel and focus on what truly matters.

They set clear short-term goals and break-down complex processes into smaller, more manageable tasks. Once the framework is in place, they approach each task with diligence, ensuring high-quality results.

What This Strength is Known For

This  strength is associated with a high level of diligence and productivity. You are known for your precision and your ability to set up structured routines and plans.

These qualities make you exceptionally effective in organising not just your own tasks but also in setting a path for others to follow.

Potential Downsides (or 'shadow' sides)

However, this strength comes with potential downsides. Your reliance on structure can sometimes make you rigid and inflexible, particularly when unexpected changes occur. Additionally, mistakes can depress you, whether they occur in your own work or in others’.

What’s Important to You and What Frustrates You

You place great importance on having routines, plans, and schedules that are clear and that you follow. You like predictability. Precision and accuracy are also crucial. They help maintain the control necessary to manage the chaos and messiness of life effectively.

You can find changes to your well-laid plans particularly frustrating. Chaos and uncertainty can cause significant stress, as they disrupt the orderly world you strive to maintain.

What You Contribute

Within a team, you play a vital role in being organised and setting up routines and structures. You approach aids efficient workflow and also ensures that the work produced is of the highest quality.

Click on these links if you’d like to find out more about completing the CliftonStrengths assessment, Strengths Finder consultancy or Strengths Finder coaching.

CliftonStrengths® and Strengths Finder® are registered trademarks of Gallup, Inc.