Understanding the CliftonStrength of:
/ Fairness™️
People talented in the Consistency StrengthsFinder theme are keenly aware of the need to treat people the same. They crave stable routines and clear rules and procedures that everyone can follow.
Consistency is one of 34 strengths from Clifton Strengths / Gallup Strengths Finder.
Do you manage somebody with the Consistency Strength? Find out how to maximise their contribution, both as an individual and as part of the team’s strengths.
Summary of This Strength
You are committed to treating everyone and every situation with an equal and fair approach, avoiding any favouritism or bias.
You enjoy setting up processes and procedures that others can follow, ensuring clarity and success.
How You See the World
In your view, the world should be a place where fairness prevails and everyone has equal opportunities to succeed.
You appreciate routines because they minimise the time spent on unnecessary decisions about trivial matters, allowing for more efficient and fairer operations.
What This Strength is Known For
You are known for your unwavering commitment to fairness and your ability to establish clear rules that apply equally to everyone. Your dependability and caring nature make you a trustworthy figure in any setting. The rules you set are designed to ensure that no one is left at a disadvantage, fostering a trustworthy and inclusive environment.
Potential Downside or ‘shadow’ sides
However, there are downsides to this strength. You tend to adhere strictly to the rules, which can sometimes make you inflexible. This approach often leaves little room for customisation or adaptation to unique circumstances, which can be necessary in certain situations.
Chat to us to understand the ‘shadow’ sides of this strength and how to manage these at work and at home.
What’s Important to You and What Frustrates You
Treating people equally and fairly is vital for you. You’re frustrated by any form of inequality, such as people being treated unfairly or gaining an undue advantage due to their background or connections. You are also troubled by exclusive groups or cliques.
You strive to create an inclusive environment where certainty and predictability are the norms, enabling everyone to know exactly where they stand and what is expected of them.
What You Contribute
Your natural talents mean you can quickly determine the best course of action to resolve issues fairly and equitably. You are skilled at sorting through information and making decisions that are just and balanced, ensuring that no one is disadvantaged.
Before implementing any plan, you consider the impact on all individuals involved and make necessary adjustments to maintain fairness.
The skill of your Consistency (Clifton Strengths Finder) talents lies in your ability to make swift and fair judgments that are universally applicable, which builds immense trust and confidence among those around you.
Click on these links if you’d like to find out more about completing the CliftonStrengths assessment, Strengths Finder consultancy or Strengths Finder coaching.
CliftonStrengths® and Strengths Finder® are registered trademarks of Gallup, Inc.