Understanding the CliftonStrength of:
People talented in the Communication StrengthsFinder theme generally find it easy to put their thoughts into words. They are good conversationalists, communicators and presenters.
Communication is one of 34 strengths from Clifton Strengths Finder / Gallup Strengths Finder.
Do you manage somebody with the Communication Strength? Find out how to maximise their contribution, both as an individual and as part of the team’s strengths.
Characteristics of This Strength
While many individuals may find it challenging to articulate their thoughts clearly and effectively, those with the Communication talent do so with ease. They enjoy bringing ideas and thoughts to life.
They consider how they can capture the interest of others and maintain their focus through engaging communication. They appreciate the subtle differences between words and understand how varying combinations can convey distinct messages.
What This Strength is Known For
You are recognised for your ability to captivate an audience whether as a presenter, blogger, storyteller or in conversation. Your communication is marked by clear and effective speaking and / or writing. This is often inspiring and motivating to those who engage with your content.
Potential Downsides (or 'shadow' sides)
However, there are potential pitfalls to this strength. These include tendencies to not listen attentively to others, to talk too much and to become overly self-focused.
Chat to us to understand the ‘shadow’ sides of this strength and how to manage these at work and at home.
What’s Important to You and What Frustrates You
It is important to you to have opportunities where you can communicate your ideas and feel genuinely heard and understood. You thrive in environments where you can brainstorm and express your thoughts openly. Moreover, you value the chance to use words creatively, as well as vivid imagery, examples, and metaphors.
You can be frustrated by:
speeches that lack clear direction or a central theme or engagement
meetings and conversations where you can’t contribute and make your point
people who talk over you and don’t listen
What You Contribute
Your natural talent lies in your ability to articulate thoughts and emotions. You enjoy bringing ideas to life in a way that is vivid and engaging. This can be useful in meetings, presentations, social media posts, videos, blogs as well as everyday conversations etc.
The essence of your Communication (Clifton StrengthsFinder) talents is your skill at expressing your own ideas and feelings, as well as those of others. This makes your interactions rich and impactful.
Click on these links if you’d like to find out more about completing the CliftonStrengths assessment, Strengths Finder consultancy or Strengths Finder coaching.
CliftonStrengths® and Strengths Finder® are registered trademarks of Gallup, Inc.