Understanding the CliftonStrength of:


People talented in the Analytical (StrengthsFinder) theme search for reasons and causes. They have the ability to think about all the factors that might affect a situation.


Analytical is one of 34 strengths from Clifton Strengths Finder / Gallup Strengths Finder.

Do you manage somebody with the Analytical Strength? Find out how to maximise their contribution, both as an individual and as part of the team’s strengths.

Characteristics of This Strength

Individuals possessing the Analytical talent as defined by Clifton Strengths, often approach opinions with a critical mindset. You typically question the validity of statements, asking questions like, "Why do you believe this? What evidence supports your assertion?"

For you, relying on data and evidence significantly enhances the quality of the information – and decisions. This is because these elements are unbiased and reveal various underlying patterns, insights, root causes, and trends.

How You See the World

For those with Analytical talents, accepting information at face value feels inherently risky. You prefer to understand and analyse the data and evidence directly. This approach ensures that your conclusions are well-founded.

What This Strength Is Known For

People recognised for their Analytical strength (CliftonStrengths – Strengths Finder) are often celebrated for their objectivity, logical approach, pragmatism, trustworthiness, and level-headed nature. These traits make them invaluable in environments that require thorough analysis and careful decision-making.

Potential Downsides (or ‘shadow’ sides)

However, there are potential challenges associated with this strength. They include a tendency to be overly sceptical, frequently questioning information, and rarely being completely satisfied with the answers provided. This scepticism, while often useful, can sometimes lead to ‘analysis paralysis’ or strained relationships with less detail-oriented peers.

They also tend to focus on the detail rather than the 'big picture'.

Chat to us to understand the ‘shadow’ sides of this strength and how to manage these at work and at home.

What’s Important to You and What Frustrates You

What matters most to you are data, factual evidence, and statistics. You thrive on opportunities that allow you to develop and express your opinions based on your analytical interpretations, which you derive from a rigorous examination of the facts at hand.

You are likely to be frustrated by ideas that lack solid evidence or by discussions that only skim the surface of topics . Superficial analysis and unsupported claims can be particularly aggravating, leading to a lack of engagement or interest.

You’re also likely to be suspicious of people proposing decisions based on gut feel.

What You Contribute

Your natural talents are significant. This includes providing well-researched and evidence-backed presentations that offer valuable insights and analyses to your team.

Where colleagues disagree, you help them understand different perspectives objectively. You excel in identifying underlying reasons, discerning patterns, and pinpointing potential risks through meticulous data analysis. This strong ability to interpret data enables you to solve problems effectively and efficiently.

Click on these links if you’d like to find out more about completing the CliftonStrengths assessment, Strengths Finder consultancy or Strengths Finder coaching.

CliftonStrengths® and Strengths Finder® are registered trademarks of Gallup, Inc.