Understanding the CliftonStrength of:


People talented in the Adaptability StrengthsFinder theme prefer to go with the flow. They tend to be “now” people who take things as they come and discover the future one day at a time.


Adaptability is one of 34 strengths from Clifton Strengths Finder / Gallup Strengths Finder.

Do you manage somebody with the Adaptability Strength? Find out how to maximise their contribution, both as an individual and as part of the team’s strengths.

Characteristics of This Strength

Individuals who possess the Adaptability strength (CliftonStrengths – StrengthsFinder) are inherently flexible.

They are comfortable with uncertainty and often prefer not to structure every aspect of their lives. Instead, they leave room for spontaneity and the opportunity to adapt as situations evolve.  This approach allows them to experience life as it comes. 

How You See the World

You tend to "go with the flow," embracing a life free from rigid structures and predictable patterns. The excitement of encountering the unknown energises you. You also thrive in environments that others might find reactive or chaotic.

What This Strength is Known For

This strength is widely recognized for its ability to make decisions spontaneously, handle multiple tasks simultaneously, flexibility in plans and ideas. You are also likely to have a light-hearted approach to challenges, the capability to think quickly under pressure, and a generally calm, easy-going nature.

Those with Adaptability (Clifton Strengths Finder) feel comfortable in environments that are constantly changing.

Potential Downsides or ‘shadow-sides’

However, there are some challenges associated with this strength. You might struggle to maintaining attention on single tasks, may find it hard to make decisions quickly, often lack a defined direction or structured plan, and can become easily bored with repetitive tasks.

Chat to us to understand the ‘shadow’ sides of this strength and how to manage these at work and at home.

What’s Important to You and What Frustrates You

You place high value on having the freedom to explore and embrace changes and disruptions as they come. Keeping multiple tasks open allows you the flexibility to switch between activities to avoid boredom. You also appreciate when people around you are supportive and quick to act on your spontaneous ideas, creating a dynamic and responsive environment.

You’re likely to feel constrained by fixed structures, strict plans, lengthy discussions on the same topic, and mundane, repetitive tasks.

What You Contribute

Your natural talent to remain unfazed by unexpected changes, and to respond to chaos with minimal stress, sets you apart.

You can manage multiple responsibilities simultaneously and provide a sense of calm and positivity in stressful situations. Your spontaneous suggestions often inject energy and enthusiasm into your group, uplifting those around you during times of uncertainty.

Click on these links if you’d like to find out more about completing the CliftonStrengths assessment, Strengths Finder consultancy or Strengths Finder coaching.

CliftonStrengths® and Strengths Finder® are registered trademarks of Gallup, Inc.