Understanding the CliftonStrength of:


The StrengthsFinder Achiever theme describes individuals who have a great deal of stamina and work hard. They take great satisfaction from being busy and productive.


The Achiever strength is one of the 34 CliftonStrengths themes. It embodies a relentless pursuit of tasks and goals, even extending to weekends and holidays. For those who possess this unique talent, productivity isn't just a habit but a source of energy and fulfilment.

Your View of the World

Those with the Achiever strength see the world as a canvas of opportunities that are waiting for them to seize. Their perspective emphasizes seizing the present moment and maximising productivity to unlock their full potential. Why delay doing something if you can get it done today?

Your Key Qualities

Determination, perseverance, a goal-driven mindset, a strong work ethic, and an unwavering commitment to hard work define Achievers. These unique strengths empower them to navigate challenges and pursue excellence in all that they tackle. They tend to have a high energy level which they apply at work and/or home.

Potential Challenges or ‘Shadow Sides’

While the Achiever's drive for productivity is admirable, it can sometimes lead to being unrealistic. They may set overly ambitious goals, risking burnout, and neglect other aspects of life. Learning to balance ambition with self-care is essential for long-term success.

You may well feel that others don't work as hard as you which may be true as those with Achiever tend to have energy levels.

What Bothers You

When people, politics, or processes slow down Achievers, they can become frustrated. Unfinished tasks, unclear directions or expectations, and a lack of progress updates or ineffective meetings drain them. These obstacles hinder their pursuit of excellence and efficiency.

What You Need

To thrive, Achievers require regular updates on projects and clear, actionable steps to guide their efforts. Leveraging their unique strengths and maximizing their potential requires a structured approach to productivity and achieving goals.

How You Contribute

Achievers are great at breaking down complex problems into manageable steps. They provide clear guidance to teams, and inspiring others with their relentless pursuit of goals. Their ability to reveal the hidden layers of challenges enables them to drive progress and maximise team performance.

People who are very talented in the Achiever (CliftonStrengths • StrengthsFinder) theme work hard and possess a great deal of stamina. They take immense satisfaction in being busy and productive.