Evidence supporting the benefits of Strengths Finder®

Developed by Gallup, this powerful tool has been proven to provide individuals with valuable insights into their unique strengths and talents, leading to a wide range of benefits that can transform your life and your team.

If you’re interested in deepening your understanding, here’s some recent research from a variety of journals into the benefits of using this powerful strengths-based approach with your team:

Enhanced team satisfaction, cohesion, and performance when focusing on strengths (Dubreuil, P., Forest, J., Gillet, N., Fernet, C., Thibault-Landry, A., & Crevier-Braud, L. (2019). Facilitating positive team dynamics: A strengths-based intervention. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 34(5), 345-362).

Higher work engagement, productivity, and performance when aligning work with strengths (Lavy, S., & Littman-Ovadia, H. (2017). My better self: Using strengths at work and work productivity, organizational citizenship behavior, and satisfaction. Journal of Career Development, 44(2), 95-109).

Improved leadership effectiveness and team performance by leveraging strengths (Shin, J., & Kim, T. Y. (2016). Leaders' strengths use for employees' job satisfaction: The moderating role of perceived work meaningfulness. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 23(3), 311-327).

Personal growth and development, including improved self-confidence, goal-setting, and reaching full potential (Clifton, D. O., & Harter, J. K. (2003). Investing in strengths. Positive Organizational Scholarship: Foundations of a New Discipline, 111-121).

Increased well-being and life satisfaction through leveraging strengths (Proyer, R. T., Gander, F., Wyss, T., & Ruch, W. (2011).